Los Poetas Napkins                                             The Napkin Poets

(en toallita de café)                                                                    (on a café napkin)

© by  Nephtalí                                                                           © por Nephtalí



los poetas napkins                                                                     the napking poets   餐巾上的诗

ya se fueron                                                                               are gone                  消失了

y las toallitas                                                                              and the napkins      那些餐巾

los buscan                                                                                 want them              想念它们

los esperan                                                                                wait for them         等着它们


con una pluma                                                                           with a pen              用一支笔

Derramando                                                                              spilling                   宣泄

sus pasiones....                                                                          their passions...      它们的情感


en el café                                                                                   at the                      

de la esquina                                                                              corner café             街角的咖啡店

el avión                                                                                      the passenger         乘客

Pasajero                                                                                    airplane                  飞机


las toallitas                                                                                 the napkins wait     餐巾在等待

Esperan                                                                                     like a young            像一个年轻的

como una                                                                                  virgin girl               处女

joven virgen                                                                               dressed in white    身着白衣

vestida de blanco                                                                       anxiously                焦急地

Ansiosamente                                                                            waiting                   等待

Esperando                                                                                 for her far-away     她遥远的

su poeta lejano                                                                          poet                         




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